Monday, 30 May 2011

A healthy glow in a bottle?

I have used Leighton Denny's nail polish for a while now, have become a facebook angel and I have even blogged about his polish but it seems Mr Denny has another string to his bow.
On TV Leighton always looks really healthy with a holiday glow, well if you work as hard as Leighton I wondered where the glow came from.
I then found out, Leighton has got together with tan expert James Harknett to create the perfect fake tan, Sun-believable self tan. So the secret is out and so is the product. With the promise that you won't smell like digestives or be streaky and orange.
The low down is that it is a foam and develops in 2-4 hours. It is said to last ten days.
Now I am a self-tan virgin so I was really worried about using this as I did not want to end up looking orange, and I didn't.

You get a bottle of tan mousse in a choice of medium or dark. I had the medium. You also get a mitt to ensure even coverage and you don't get the tell tale orange hand!
Before I started I exfoliated making sure that I paid extra attention to my knees and my feet, not just the bottom but up to my ankles.
I then started, with trepidation the tanning process.
The foam came out in a non scary latte shade, I put in on my mitt and rubbed it in circular motions. I started at my feet and worked my way up.  
It was just like rubbing moisturiser in, it just required a bit more attention. The colour of the product helped me to see where I needed to massage a bit more. 
I managed to get it done in 45 minutes but I think if I was more used to tanning it would be quicker.
It did start to develop straight away and I ended up a sunkissed colour with no streaky bits.

I would say the medium would suit blonde to mid brown hair with a lighter skin tone. The darker I would say olive skin and hair dark brown and darker.
Seven days later the tan was still looking good. I would certainly use it again as it is not a scary as others out there. Plus the other good side as there was no smell!!

and QVC and selected John Lewis stores

£30 for 200ml
Try me sets available

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