Monday, 26 July 2010

Oil on your face....really???

Having always had oily and unpredictable skin through my teens I was hoping that going into my 20’s and now heading towards my 30’s that my skin would have settled down by now….but no.

There are many advantages of course to having skin that sits on the oily side, less wrinkles than my more dryer friends for example, however I am sure they will eventually arrive.

Spot prone skin brings its own worries, you never know if you can trust it especially coming up to a party or even an important meeting.

I have come across the new trend for the coming decade. Oil….. yes I know that it sounds almost unnatural to think of slathering oil on to your face when you think of it more as a strongly scented massage tool, if you are lucky. What ever the skin care needs, cleansing or moisturising there seems to be an oil out there for the job. There are also oils out there for what ever skin type that you have. Nice, light but still sweet smelling ones for the likes of me with the spot prone and unbalanced skin and on the other end of the spectrum there are amazing oils out there to reach into the skin and nourish it from the deeper layers and therefore giving very dry skin the chance to become luminous and breathing new life in to the skin.

Aromatherapy has of course been around for years, but associated alot of the time with hippies or just some thing used in spas. Aromatherapy is a strong tool and holds magic knowledge of what plants and flowers hold within them to mix and head for the next little bottle of heaven.

I first heard of oils being used as an ingredient to skincare but they have now broken out and become products in their own right.

Decleor have an amazing collection of moisturising oils that you massage into the face and the smells the oils release ease your soul.

Decleor Aromessence Ylang Ylang Face OilThey have the relaxing Ylang ylang oil for skins that are oily or maybe prone to spots. It contains gorgeous Ylang Ylang oil along with Geranium Rosemary and St Thomas bay. Just one sniff of this relaxes me immediately and gets me ready to sleep, and that’s a hard thing to do as I don’t chill easily.

As I use this as a night moisturiser I wake up to skin that is softer and has a glow to it.

The only thing that would make it better would be some one to massage it in for me!I will always use oil now and infact I am lusting after trying oil cleansers.

Even though it is a oil if you pick one to suit your skin type it helps with your problems rather than just cover you in oil. So because I picked the oil for oily skin the blend is just right. There is of course oils for Ageing or dry skin or infact skins that just need a pick me up.

Try some thing new and breathe new life into your skin!!

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